Hello world!

Hi! My name is Lisa and I’m a 21 year old college student, though I’m about to graduate in May. I’ve been reading sim stories like crazy the past month or so which has finally inspired me to write my own. I’ve always absolutely loved writing and have even taken some writing courses in college, but I haven’t been writing for quite a while and that makes me sad =/ So, I figure, what better way to get back into writing than doing it WHILE doing another of my favorite things: playing the Sims 3. I’ve also decided to do one of the many challenges floating about because 1.) I always play the game the same basic way and this would get me out of my comfort zone, and 2.) It just sounds like fun. So here I am!

I’ve decided to do the Differences in the Family Tree challenge, the rules to which can be found here. Some things I write may deviate a tiny bit from the generation descriptions, but I’ll be basically keep to it and definitely keep to the rules of the challenge at least.

Because I’m still in school and things have been annoyingly crazy lately, at first these updates may be depressingly sparse, but I hope to work into a steady routine as soon as I can! I’m also very new to WordPress so…that might take a bit of time to figure out as well….

Anyway, that’s about it for now and I hope to have my first post up soon but, for now, I need to get to playing! =D Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy what’s to come ^_^;;

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